A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux


A free .pot and .po file editor with a simple and clean interface.

The Software is divided into 3 main sections.

  1. Pot file entries.

    Those are the templates that compose the .pot file. New entries can be added simply by writing the new key in the textfield at the top of the section and either pressing the Add button or by pressing the Enter key from your keyboard. Entries can be deleted by clicking the minus Button that appears when hovering an element of the list.

  2. Languages.

    This section displays all languages that your .pot templates support. You can add or remove languages as easily as you manage your templates. Be careful. Deleting a language will remove all information about it from all the templates and you will have to write them all again if you accidentally clicked on it.

  3. Translation.

    This section allows you to edit your entries in the selected language. As soon as you have selected the entry and the language you can start editing your translation in the text editor below the comments editor. The comments editor allows you to add comments in the .pot file in case you need them. This section will also tell you what entry you are editing and for which language.


In case you already have a .pot and some .po files that you wish to edit, you can import them all from the File menu. At the moment you can only choose to import a .pot file, but the software will automatically look for .po files that share the same name as the .pot file and import them as well if they follow the following naming convention: "potFileName_language.po".

You can export .pot files. The file name will be the one you choose in the file dialog

You can export .po files, one for every supported language that you added to your languages list. The name of the files will be the one you chose for your .pot file concatenated with an underscore followed by the language iso name.

Next steps

Now that you know what the software is capable of, let's see what are the steps for the next release since there are plenty of things that can be improved and features that must be added.

  • Guards. At the moment Potty does not ask the user for confirmation about any of the destructive actions, like deleting an entry or language. This will be added soon to avoid accidentally clicking on the wrong spot and deleting an important translation.
  • Import/Export. This is a pain point in the software as it is implemented. It is very strict and does not allow the user to integrate .po files that do not share the same name as the .pot file or that do not follow Potty's naming conventions. In the near future I plan on adding the possibility to import multiple .po files that will be integrated at runtime. A similar argument could be risen against the export of .po files. The name of the files must be the same of the .pot file. This again is too strict and will be changed in the future.
  • The interface might change slightly making it more consistent and making it more intuitive as well as better highlight what the user is doing and/or what is done wrong and needs to be fixed.


All credits for this software go to Paolo Forti. A special mention goes to Godot Game Engine, that is the software used to create this tool.

Final words

Thanks to anyone that will use the software and that will help me improve it by sharing their feedback and critics.


potty_win_64.exe.zip 25 MB
potty_linux.x86_64.zip 25 MB
potty_os.dmg.zip 56 MB

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